I have actually written this post three times now as blogger was not posting properly.
Luckily i am passionate about the topic :-)
My new African friends are all settled in now and thriving. One family has been reunited with their Mother, Wife, Sister and Daughter. Can you imagine the emotions, being reunited after 10yrs of not only not seeing your wife or children but not even hearing of them, having no news as to wether they are dead or alive. Fantastic result anyway they are all ok and now safely here in Australia.
I'm happy to report the people in my community have been fantastic in welcoming the Africans and have gone out of their way to help. Aside from one nasty, narrow minded resident who wrote to the paper "an Australian should have been chosen to sing our national anthem at Australia day"
Yes this is true; i wish i could get my hands on him! Aside from that it has been a positive time for the new families.
I am still as mad as hell about the negative comment above which is what has inspired this post. What better person to have been singing OUR national anthem in such an amazing country, surrounded by old and new family and friends than a New Australian. Yes i say new as they are no longer refugees but Permanent Australian residents just like you and i with the same rights and more responsibility. These people are all in school, work or studying, gaining their licenses and looking to a very bright future in Australia. Yes they are African and yet Aussies too. Didn't we all originally come from some place else?
I for one could not have been prouder to hear such an inspiring, warm, loving Aussie sing to the world our national anthem and sing it with pride!
Having been through the worst kind of turmoil they are still open, happy, caring, faithful, caring people and i am so glad to have them here.
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