Monday, January 30, 2006


I want to tell you a more personal account of people having thier eyes wide shut to what's really going on.

My Nan (Inlaw) is 82 yrs old.
She currently lives on her own, in her own home which she manages to clean, maintain, secure herself. She is relatively healthy with only a few complaints one of which is padgents diseaes making her bones ache and weak.
In the last few years she has been admitted to hospital with severe Gall Stones, during the operation she had to be resuscitated which resulted in a neck fracture.
Within a few months she lost her son to a very invasive throat cancer, she nursed him through.
Lost her war veteran husband to a stroke.
Discovered she had Bowel Cancer, had it removed and now all clear.
Had a very bad fall smashing in her front teeth, badly bruised and battered black and blue.

Now why am i telling you this?

Her family have left her to cope with all of this on her own. They don't phone or no longer visit.
After her raising her daughters children, caring for everyone she is left to suffer quietly.

More recently there has been a few family fued for which she has been blamed although she had nothing to do with any of them and after having her Grandson repeatedly abuse her verbally she threw him out of the house. Her daughter brought her boyfriend to back her up with a premeditated fight leaving a letter behind to further upset her and the rest of the family tell her to get over it.

Her family are now gold digging, waiting for her to die to get thier share, they openly laugh about how long they have to wait. They in the past have searched her house for coins of value left by her late husband and tried to control her executive powers in regards to her will.

Now i believe at 82yrs of age you deserve some respect.

It has all come down to money.


Her whole life she's worked hard, loved and given and now she needs her family the most she's alone. It disgusts me! So many families are like this.

Not only family but the local tradesmen who never show up or rip her off, the telemarketers that prey on her and the complete disregard for the elderly in the community should all be ashamed by this. Veterans Affairs have all but ceased payments for anything nessesary. They dictate when she needs new glasses, teeth, hearing aids etc. They make her sign form after form for the same rubbish each year when she has trouble doing so. Telstra charge her more for a hearing impared phone and the list goes on.

Why is this so in Australian culture?
Look at the Aboriginies who hold thier elderly in high esteem and learn from them.
The Greeks love and live family there are so many culture where the elderly are treated with respect and here in Australia where we are supposedly so proud of our multiculturalism we cannot take a lesson from such cultures.

I've rambled enough but my story is not the only one. Elderly deserve more and when we cry about in humane treatment why not look a little closer to home.


At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in the same boat. Only my nan died and left me everything she had, i am now in the process of a court battle and no one understands how badly they treated her. I am fighting because that's what she wanted was to leave things to someone who cared. hope your nans ok.


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