Eyes shut to what?
To the way the world is now, the way it is heading.
The way people treat each other, speak to each other or ignore each other.
How can we all carry on our daily lives believing things are good, believing it's not our problem, hoping someone else will take a stand.
It's time we all open our eyes and see what's really important!
See we are all one people, there is only one race, THE HUMAN RACE!
We are all so busy trying to make a living, trying to buy that new car or take that fantastic holiday that we ignore our duty to give, to help others.
How can we all become so immune to the worry's of the world?
Children starving, women being beaten, families struggling to survive, big corporations taking advantage of the workers trying to feed thier families, Chopping down forests and persecuting animals. NONE of this is ok by me nor should it be by anyone.
If a simple click of the mouse each day can give free food to the starving imagine what could be achieved if people just cared enough!
Find out where your coffee comes from and how much actually goes to the farmer who grew it! Change brands, it's that simple.
Shop for NO SWEAT clothing
Sponsor a child
Buy gifts from remote communities
Join a club
Walk against want
Tell a friend
Talk about the issues
There are so many easy ways to help yet we all choose to do nothing instead.
WHY? I don't know.
I think people need to reach deep inside and find out who there really are, who they wish to become and the type of world they want to live in, raise their children in and then take steps to create that world. A person, coffee or conversation at a time.
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